All Entries Tagged With: "nato"

Combat Divers return to Metchosin waters
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer — After a four-year hiatus, Exercise Roguish Buoy returned to Metchosin on Jan. 29 for two weeks, allowing 65 Army Combat Divers from Canada and worldwide to test their teamwork skills. Working in the tides and currents of the Strait of Juan de Fuca provided a new dynamic as Combat Divers normally work in inland […]

Lieutenant-Commander (LCdr) Geoffrey Simpson (left), Executive Officer HMCS HALIFAX, look toward HMCS WINNIPEG during Exercise JOINTEX 15, as part of NATO’s Trident Juncture 15.

Sixteen naval reservists deploy on board HMCS Winnipeg
Sixteen naval reservists from across Canada deployed on board HMCS Winnipeg June 15 to support Operation Reassurance, Canada’s contribution to NATO assurance measures in Europe. “Our reserve members are integrating seamlessly into the ship’s company,” says Commander Pascal Belhumeur, Commanding Officer of HMCS Winnipeg. “This deployment provides them with incredible exposure to unmatched training opportunities […]