RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Naval Reserve"

Naval Training Group Change of Command

Naval Training Group Change of Command

Naval Training Group (NTG) bid farewell to one leader and welcomed another during a ceremony presided by Commodore Patrick Montgomery, Commander of the Naval Reserve, at CFB Esquimalt’s Wardroom on April 25. Capt(N) Matthew Coates had been NTG’s fourth Commander since its establishment in June 10 years ago. He assumed command in 2021 and has led NTG through a […]

Captain (ret’d) Michael L. Hadley. Photo supplied.

Renowned U-boat author receives Maritime Achievement Award

Peter Mallett,  Staff Writer  — A former naval officer is among the first recipients of a freshly minted award by the BC Government House Foundation and the Maritime Museum of British Columbia. Captain (ret’d) Michael L. Hadley of Victoria is an accomplished author and educator, whose works about the elusive submarines of the Kriegsmarine earned […]

Reservists ready for wildfire fight

Reservists ready for wildfire fight

Soldiers prepared to deploy as part of Operation Lentus to help combat several wildfires burning in the Central Interior region of British Columbia. A two-day S-100 Firefighting Course at CFB Esquimalt’s Urban Search and Rescue Training Centre on July 20 and 21 involved approximately 20 Army Reservists representing various branches of the 39 Canadian Brigade Group.