All Entries Tagged With: "Naval Reserve"
Reservists ready for wildfire fight
Soldiers prepared to deploy as part of Operation Lentus to help combat several wildfires burning in the Central Interior region of British Columbia. A two-day S-100 Firefighting Course at CFB Esquimalt’s Urban Search and Rescue Training Centre on July 20 and 21 involved approximately 20 Army Reservists representing various branches of the 39 Canadian Brigade Group.
Longtime HMCS Scotian member steps in as new CO
HMCS Scotian, Halifax’s Naval Reserve Division, welcomed its new Commanding Officer (CO) on May 3.
Canada’s Naval Reserve celebrates centennial
LCdr Paul Pendergast, Naval Reserve, Public Affairs — The Naval Reserve will celebrate a big milestone in 2023, marking 100 years of service to Canada. There will be commemorative events and activities throughout the year, most of them conducted locally by Canada’s 24 Naval Reserve Divisions, located in most major cities nation-wide. Some events will also be […]