All Entries Tagged With: "Navy News"

L’équipe MUSAR de l’île de Vancouver prête à tout
L’équipe MUSAR de l’île de Vancouver, composée de militaires et de civils, s’entraîne rigoureusement pour intervenir en cas de catastrophes telles que tremblements de terre et effondrements de bâtiments. Équipée de technologies avancées et dotée d’importantes compétences, elle constitue la première ligne de défense de la région. Son objectif est de maintenir la continuité […]

Vancouver Island’s MUSAR team ready for anything
The MUSAR team at CFB Esquimalt, comprising a diverse group of military personnel, rigorously trains for various disaster scenarios, including earthquakes and landslides. Despite the demanding nature of their work, the team finds fulfillment in their mission, maintaining operational continuity and safety on Vancouver Island. Their specialized training and equipment enable effective and precise rescue operations.

Maritime tactical operator recruiting open to all CAF
The Naval Tactical Operations Group (NTOG) is soliciting highly motivated, physically fit volunteers for employment within a small teams environment. To keep pace with today’s complex littoral maritime operating environment and evolving threat, NTOG provides the CAF with an agile, high readiness unit capable of: Conducting Maritime Interdiction Operations (MIO) in a high-risk environment; […]