All Entries Tagged With: "Navy News"

CANSUBFOR dévoile une nouvelle plaque commémorative lors de la cérémonie d’inauguration de l’immeuble
La commémoration du 110e anniversaire du Service sous-marin canadien a inclus une cérémonie de baptême pour le bâtiment D85, rebaptisé en l’honneur du Lt William McKinstry Maitland-Dougall, premier officier canadien commandant un sous-marin britannique, tué au combat en 1918. Une plaque commémorative a également été dévoilée.

CANSUBFOR unveils new commemorative plaque in building naming ceremony
On August 5, 2024, a ceremony was held to rename Building D85 at CFB Esquimalt in honor of Lt. William McKinstry Maitland-Dougall, the first Canadian to command a British submarine and the only Canadian submarine commanding officer lost in action. This event was part of the Canadian Submarine Service’s 110th anniversary celebrations.

PTSD: The Wheel of Trauma
Traumatic events can cause profound psychological wounds like PTSD, leading to mental anguish. Responses to trauma are unique, involving stages of being wounded, discovering the trauma, processing it, and changing. Each individual’s experience is distinct, and treatment isn’t one-size-fits-all. Recovery involves conscious reflection and working through trauma to regain control.