All Entries Tagged With: "North Vancouver"

May wrap-up of Pacific Fleet events
A/SLt Alexandre Khoury, MARPAC PA — The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) recently held its traditional Battle of the Atlantic (BOA) and Fleet Weekend in North Vancouver. A gathering of ships, sailors and other members of Canada’s Navy welcomed thousands of people on the Burrard Dry Dock Pier from May 3rd to May 5th. This year, Her Royal […]

Royal Canadian Navy Fleet Weekend
Lt(N) Pamela Hogan, MARPAC PAO — ‘Victoria Traffic, Canadian Warship 341 estimating First Narrows one-three-zero-zero, over.’ HMCS Ottawa entered Vancouver Harbour on May 4, followed by HMCS Nanaimo and Orca-class training vessels Raven 56, Orca 55, and Moose 62, for Canadian Fleet Pacific’s (CANFLTPAC) second annual Fleet Weekend at the Burrard Drydock […]

Week-end de la flotte de la Marine royale canadienne
Ltv Pamela Hogan, MARPAC OAP — Trafic Victoria, navire de guerre canadien 341 estimant First Narrows un-trois-zéro-zéro, terminé. Le NCSM Ottawa est entré dans le port de Vancouver le 4 mai, suivi du NCSM Nanaimo et des navires-écoles de classe Orca Raven 56, Orca 55 et Moose 62, à l’occasion du deuxième week-end annuel de la Flotte […]