All Entries Tagged With: "Ottawa"

Sentry duty honour
HMCS Discovery’s sailor pays tribute at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier – A/SLt Alexandre Khoury, MARPAC PA — Standing guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the National War Memorial in Ottawa is a great honour and privilege few military members receive. It is a remarkable task that involves strength and endurance. As part […]

L’honneur de la sentinelle :
un marin du NCSM Discovery rend hommage à la Tombe du Soldat inconnu FLS Alexandre Khoury, MARPAC PA — Monter la garde devant la Tombe du Soldat inconnu au Monument commémoratif de guerre du Canada à Ottawa est un grand honneur et un privilège que peu de militaires reçoivent. Il s’agit d’une tâche remarquable qui exige […]

Grey Cup rivalries, on land and at sea
A/SLt Kyle Reed, MARPAC PA Office – As soon as HMC Ships Ottawa and Edmonton discovered their namesake city teams, the Ottawa RedBlacks and the Edmonton Eskimos, would be opponents for the 103rd Grey Cup, the rivalry erupted between the ships. In the days leading up to the big game, there was the expected banter […]