All Entries Tagged With: "ppcli"

Students deliver ‘fresh perspective’ on PPCLI exhibit
The updated exhibit showcases a variety of items from both World Wars, the Korean War and peacekeeping missions, along with historic photos of the unit during its time in Victoria and elsewhere. Improvements offer a more detailed and chronological history of PPCLI and the three occasions it was stationed at Work Point barracks in Esquimalt. Each item on display includes a written passage identifying the item and its historical significance.

Des étudiants apportent un regard neuf sur l’exposition du PPCLI
Au fil des ans, l’exposition a été entretenue et mise à jour par d’anciens membres du PPCLI et d’autres anciens combattants. L’un de ces bénévoles est Jack Bates, qui dirige une société historique et un site Web axés sur la riche histoire de l’Armée canadienne sur l’île de Vancouver et dans le Lower Mainland, l’Organization for Preservation of Canadian Military Heritage (OPCMH).

Urban Operations Exercise
Members of 2nd Battalion, PPCLI fire a C-9 light machine gun at enemy forces during Exercise KAPYONG BUGLE, an urban operations exercise in Paderborn, Germany on May 4, 201