All Entries Tagged With: "rcaf"

CAF collaboration enhances cadet sailing experience
A/SLt Alexandre Khoury, MARPAC PA — A Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) CC-130H Hercules (CC-130H) from 442 Squadron in Comox flew near patrol craft training vessels as part of a small search-and-rescue exercise with sea cadets, a last-minute collaboration between the Royal Canadian Navy and RCAF. The day before the exercise, Lieutenant(N) (Lt(N)) Serge Sabourin, […]

Commodore’s Cup taken by force
Sabastian Robinson, PSP Sports Coordinator — The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) took on the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) in the third annual Commodore’s Cup flag football game yet at Colville Fields on Aug. 29. In the closest game since the Cup’s beginning, the Navy took the early lead while the two teams were trading […]

Le 443e Escadron d’hélicoptères maritimes soulignela Journée mondiale de l’hélicoptère
Personnel du Lookout – Le 18 août, le 443e Escadron d’hélicoptères maritimes (EHM) se joint à la célébration mondiale de la Journée mondiale de l’hélicoptère. Cette célébration mondiale met en lumière le rôle vital que jouent les hélicoptères dans notre société, et nulle […]