All Entries Tagged With: "rcn"
Commodore’s Cup taken by force
Sabastian Robinson, PSP Sports Coordinator — The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) took on the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) in the third annual Commodore’s Cup flag football game yet at Colville Fields on Aug. 29. In the closest game since the Cup’s beginning, the Navy took the early lead while the two teams were trading […]
CAF members triumph in grueling Nijmegen Marches
Kateryna Bandura, Lookout Contributor — Amidst sweltering heat and grueling conditions, three members from CFB Esquimalt joined eight other Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel in completing the prestigious Nijmegen Marches this July. The 106th edition of this renowned event challenged military participants to march 40 kms daily for four consecutive days while […]
L’équipe consultative sur la violence familiale
L’Équipe consultative sur la violence familiale (ECVF) est une initiative des Forces armées canadiennes (FAC) qui joue un rôle consultatif sur les questions liées à la violence familiale. L’ECVF joue également un rôle de premier plan dans l’éducation, la prévention et la sensibilisation à la violence familiale, tout en planifiant et en promouvant des programmes, […]