RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "rcn"


Recognizing ineffective therapy

Thomas Goenczi, Lookout contributor — The American Psychological Association (2016) estimates that 75 per cent of individuals who seek any form of psychotherapy find benefit in it. The study quantified a benefit as showing improved emotional and psychological well-being, fewer sick days, fewer medical issues, and increased work satisfaction. Even though this statistic is […]

sisip relocation

How to make your military move a financial success

SISIP Financial, Esquimalt — You’ve got your posting message, setting the ball in motion for your move. Prioritizing the financial implications and budgeting your relocation is the first step to reducing what Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members say is one of the most significant pressure points of moving. We’ve got you covered! Check out the tips below […]

Fluoride and your teeth.

Fluoride – who cares? Your teeth!

Corporal Erika Johnson, Dental Technician, 1 Dental Unit Detachment Esquimalt — Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral and the 13th most common element in the Earth’s crust. It plays an essential part in good oral health and prevents cavities. While some communities add fluoride to their drinking water, others rely on its naturally occurring levels and increasing […]