RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "rcn"

HMCS Vancouver Change of Command

HMCS Vancouver Change of Command

HMCS Vancouver looks ahead to a summer deployment with a new leader. Peter Mallett, Staff Writer — Commander (Cdr) Meghan Coates assumed command of her second Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) warship in less than a year. “My most important lesson so far is that I can learn so much from the ship’s team every day, […]


Jackspeak: scuttlebutt

Scuttlebutt is a commonly used term with a naval origin. As far back as the 17th century, a scuttled butt was the term for a barrel that had been breached to provide a source of fresh water for the crew. Much like a modern water cooler, rumours and gossip were often shared, and these tidbits of information were referred to as scuttlebutt. […]

Security bulletin on personal use of social media

Security bulletin on personal use of social media

Stephen Vallis, MARLANT Security Officer — Social Media is widely popular with Canadians and people worldwide, including Department of National Defence (DND) and Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members and employees. It is a powerful communications tool but is not without risk. Within generally well-understood limits, DND/CAF members and employees are entitled to use […]