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Volume 68, Issue 44, November 6, 2023

Volume 68, Issue 44, November 6, 2023

In this week’s edition of #LookoutNavyNews: We Remember; The Fallen Red Poppy; Naval Museum displays wartime artifacts with incredible stories; Naval Reserve sailors pass a goal; Sailor for A Day celebrates, RCN showcases future Protecteur-class, MUSAR team ShakesOut, and the Sailor of the Third Quarter announced! Read the full edition here:

Dans l’édition de cette semaine de #LookoutNavyNews : Nous nous souvenons ; Le coquelicot rouge tombé au combat ; Le musée naval expose des artefacts du temps de guerre avec des histoires incroyables ; Les marins de la Réserve navale atteignent un objectif ; Le marin d’un jour célèbre, la MRC présente la future classe Protecteur, l’équipe MUSAR ShakesOut, et le marin du troisième trimestre est annoncé ! Lisez l’édition complète ici :

Forces members can unite with veterans

Forces members can unite with veterans

MS Brandon Ensom sees no better way to understand military history than to sit with a veteran and hear their service stories. The Lodge at Broadmead, home to many aging veterans, is the stage for those oral recollections to unfold.   The sailor discovered the place two years ago when he accompanied Rear-Admiral Bill Truelove […]

="orca sail part 1"

Day Sail on an Orca

Guests onboard the Cougar wave enthusiastically as two Orcas leave Vancouver heading towards Howe Sound.