All Entries Tagged With: "RHIB"

New boats for FDU(P)
Kate Bandura, Lookout Editor — Fleet Diving Unit (Pacific) is making the most of its new vessels. The Unit has been expecting four Outboard Engine Diver Boats (OEDB) since November; the boats replaced their existing Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats (RHIB). Petty Officer 1st Class (PO1) Benoît Léonard, Operational Dive Team Chief, says the maneuverability of […]

Keeping skills fresh on Op Caribbe
Members of HMCS Brandon practice “sticking drills” while deployed on Operation Caribbe in the Eastern Pacific.

Picking up the RHIB
The deck crew on board HMCS WINNIPEG recovers the ship’s rigid hull inflatable boat following a dusk boarding exercise with the ship’s Boarding Party during Exercise TRIDENT JUNCTURE as part of Op REASSURANCE.