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Volume 69, Issue No. 19, May 13, 2024

Volume 69, Issue No. 19, May 13, 2024

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His Majesty’s Canadian Ship Max Bernays navigates past Fisgard Lighthouse in Esquimalt Harbour during the final leg of the ship’s coastal transfer to Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt on May 4, 2024. Photo Credit: Jazmin Holdway, Lookout Newspaper.

Members of the Victory Oar Duff racing team gather for a team photograph on Apr. 10 at the Seamanship Training Centre in Naden. (L-R): Lieutenant (Navy) (Lt(N)) Jeff Phillips, Lt(N) Ellery Down, Acting Sub-Lieutenant (A/SLt) Benjamin Roth, Sailor 1st Class (S1) Evan Helgason-Thorpe, A/SLt Maxwell Lucas, and S1 Maxime Vandal. Photo: Peter Mallett/Lookout Newspaper.

It’s ‘Victory Oar Duff’ in race to Alaska

Peter Mallett,  Staff Writer  —  vic·to·ry /ˈvikt(ə)rē/ | nounan act of defeating an enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or other competition. oar /ôr/ | nouna pole with a flat blade, pivoting in an oar lock, used to row or steer a boat through the water.   duff /dəf/ adjective, informal   1. Dessert 2. Indicates that something […]