RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "royal canadian navy"

Commander Darren Sleen (left) and Chief Petty Officer 1st Class André Aubry (right) invite Josée Lafontaine and Laura Brackenbury to cut the cake.

Naval Training Group turns ten!

NTG Public Affairs  —  “Everyone in the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) shares the same professional goal: to force generate maritime capabilities for employment at the direction of the Government of Canada,” said Commander (Cdr) Darren Sleen, Commander Naval Training Group (CNTG), during a recent address. The assembly of military and civilian members gathered at Work Point’s […]

Captain (Navy) Kevin Whiteside with his family.

Five questions with CFB Esquimalt Base Commander Captain (Navy) Kevin Whiteside

Lookout Staff — Father’s Day Edition: Q. How do you balance being a father at home and a leader at the Base? Can you share some strategies you use to manage both effectively? A. It’s not easy and is something that requires constant focus. I am fortunate to have an incredible spouse who is an absolute superhero, who has somehow found a way to raise […]

Captain (Navy) Kevin Whiteside with his family.

5 questions avec Commandant de la base de la BFC Esquimalt Capitaine de vaisseau Kevin Whiteside 

Personnel de la vigie — Édition fête des pères Q. Comment conciliez-vous votre rôle de père à la maison et celui de dirigeant à la base ? Pouvez-vous nous faire part de certaines stratégies que vous utilisez pour gérer efficacement ces deux aspects ? R. Ce n’est pas facile et cela demande […]