All Entries Tagged With: "royal canadian navy"

Pacific Region Surgeon honoured for saving teammate’s life
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer — St. John Ambulance has honoured Lieutenant-Colonel (LCol) Andrew Currie, Regional Surgeon Pacific, for his life-saving efforts outside the workplace. He and his Victoria Curling Club teammate Doug Butler are the latest St. John Ambulance Life-Saving Award recipients. The awards were presented to LCol Currie and retired paramedic Butler during a ceremony […]

Preview for CFB Esquimalt’s sports season
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer — Athletes with CFB Esquimalt’s sports teams are preparing to defend their titles and repeat last year’s remarkable gold medal haul of 11 regional sports titles. The Tritons’ overwhelming success at Canada West play in 2023 included gold medals in men’s and women’s hockey, volleyball, soccer and slo-pitch while our men’s basketball […]