RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "royal canadian navy"

Commodore David Mazur, Commander Canadian Fleet Pacific, and Chief Petty Officer 1st Class David Bisal, Fleet Chief, present Sailor 1st Class Nicholas Campbell and Master Sailor Tristan Harris with their Sailor of the Quarter certificates in a May 16 ceremony at Naval Fleet School (Pacific). Photos: Peter Mallett/Lookout Newspaper

Top Sailor Award double play for HMCS Regina

Peter Mallett, Staff Writer  — A pair of HMCS Regina members completed a rare feat in the fleet by collecting two consecutive Maritime Forces Pacific (MARPAC) awards. Master Sailor (MS) Tristan Harris became Sailor of the Last 2023 Quarter; his shipmate Sailor 1st Class (S1) Nicholas Campbell became Sailor of the First 2024 Quarter. Both took on extra work during […]

Commodore David Mazur, Commander Canadian Fleet Pacific, and Chief Petty Officer 1st Class David Bisal, Fleet Chief, present Sailor 1st Class Nicholas Campbell and Master Sailor Tristan Harris with their Sailor of the Quarter certificates in a May 16 ceremony at Naval Fleet School (Pacific). Photos: Peter Mallett/Lookout Newspaper

Le prix Top Sailor doublement décerné au NCSM Regina

Peter Mallett, Rédacteur en chef  —  Deux membres du NCSM Regina ont accompli un exploit rare dans la flotte en recevant deux prix consécutifs des Forces maritimes du Pacifique (FMAR(P)). Le matelot-chef Tristan Harris est devenu le matelot du dernier trimestre 2023 ; son compagnon de bord, le matelot de 1re classe Nicholas Campbell, est devenu le […]

HMCS Vancouver

HMCS Vancouver departs on deployment

Captain Pedram Mohyeddin, MARPAC — His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Vancouver departs this week on a six-month deployment to the Indo-Pacific. Led by Commander (Cdr) Tyson Bergmann, Commanding Officer of HMCS Vancouver, the warship will participate in Rim of the Pacific Exercise (RIMPAC), before proceeding on to Operation Horizon and Operation Neon. […]