All Entries Tagged With: "Sentinel"

Bravo Zulu to our new Sentinels
Congratulations and Bravo Zulu to HMCS Malahat’s three new graduates of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Sentinel Program, Acting Sub-Lieutenant Bonner, Acting Sub-Lieutenant Chan, and Master Sailor Good. All three members of the Ship’s Company were presented with their qualification certificates by Lieutenant Commander Anne Gardam, Malahat’s Commanding Officer, […]

Reservist discovers rewards of the Sentinel Program
Peter Mallett Staff Writer — The inspiration to join the Sentinel program has much to do with being a self-described ‘people’ person, says one of the newest Sentinels on the west coast. “If I think back to all the greatest experiences I have had in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), along with the worst experiences in […]