RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Stéphane Guay"

Master Sailor (MS) Guay receiving his Canadian Decoration 3 Clasp. From Left to right: Lieutenant-Colonel L.J. Rediger, MS S. Guay, and School Chief Warrant Officer M.R. Lanctot. Photo supplied

Meet Stéphane Guay, CD3 

Lt(N) Jonathan Lacasse, Maritime Procurement  —  Celebrating an impressive career 43 years and counting It’s been several years since we last met, and that’s the kind of thing that happens a lot in the lives of sailors. We forge bonds as a crew, growing closer over time. Though we may drift apart, the tides aways bring […]

Master Sailor (MS) Guay receiving his Canadian Decoration 3 Clasp. From Left to right: Lieutenant-Colonel L.J. Rediger, MS S. Guay, and School Chief Warrant Officer M.R. Lanctot. Photo supplied

Rencontrez Stéphane Guay, CD3 

Ltv Jonathan Lacasse, Marchés publics maritimes  —  Célébration d’une carrière impressionnante de 43 ans (et ce n’est pas fini) ! Cela faisait plusieurs années depuis notre dernière rencontre, et c’est le genre de choses qui arrive souvent dans la vie des marins. On tisse des liens à travers les équipages et au fil du temps, puis on […]