All Entries Tagged With: "Tour de Rock"

CFB Esquimalt MP ready to rock cycling tour
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer — Military Police Officer Captain (Capt) Liam Kenney is always up for new and exciting challenges. “I guess I’m that guy who likes to stick my nose in everything and is always willing to try something new; if there is a special event going on, I will end up being there,” says Capt Kenney. Later this summer he […]

Base MP ready to roll for Tour de Rock
A member of CFB Esquimalt’s Military Police Unit, Cpl Larkin is one of 19 law enforcement and first responders from across Vancouver Island recently named to this year’s Tour de Rock cycling team. Tour de Rock is a fundraiser for the national non-profit Cops for Cancer and is in its 26th year.

Tour de Rock riders make first-ever stop at CFB Esquimalt
Tour de Rock riders were on the final day of their gruelling 1,100-kilometre journey across Vancouver Island Oct. 2 when they pulled into CFB Esquimalt. “This is the first time the tour has ever stopped at the base. We are greatly honoured and hope it is the first of many,” said Acting Base Commander, Cdr […]