All Entries Tagged With: "Vimy Ridge"

Langford pays tribute to heroes of Vimy Ridge
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer — The flame of remembrance burns brightly on the West Shore for soldiers who fought in Canada’s most celebrated military victory. On the evening of April 9, the glowing light grew a little stronger as a sizable crowd gathered at Veterans Memorial Park in Langford for its annual Battle of Vimy Ridge Candlelight Tribute, organized by the Royal […]

Cyclists connect with history during a commemorative ride
Peter MallettStaff Writer — From Hill 70 to Vimy Ridge to Beaumont-Hamel, the Drury Memorial, Canal Du Nord and other historic sites in between, each of the Battlefield Bike Ride participants had connections that made this year’s ride meaningful. For Warrant Officer (WO) Dan Bodden, the team’s stop in Vimy Ridge was the highlight of […]

Sentry duty stirs emotions
For eight hours a day, seven days a week, a team of rotating military members guards the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Ottawa, Ontario, as part of the National Sentry Program from April 9 to Nov. 10. Rain or shine, these members stand guard […]