Local cadets receive Level 4 National Star of Excellence

From Left to right: C/MWO Jayden Worth, C/CWO Curtis Whittla (Corps RSM) and C/MWO Tyler Cardinal show their National Star of Excellence Level 4 insignia.

From Left to right: C/MWO Jayden Worth, C/CWO Curtis Whittla (Corps RSM) and C/MWO Tyler Cardinal show their National Star of Excellence Level 4 insignia.

During the 2483 Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps, Commanding Officer’s parade on May 27, a very rare event happened.  

Three Master Cadets were presented with Level 4 of the National Star of Excellence. This is the highest level of achievement within the Army Cadet Programme in Canada.  Out of 51 Army Cadets Corps in B.C., parading approximately 2,000 Army Cadets, only 10 Level 4 – National Stars of Excellence have been presented so far, three of which are C/CWO Curtis Whittla (the Corps Regimental Sgt-Maj (RSM)); C/MWO Jayden Worth; and C/MWO Tyler Cardinal.

The National Star of Excellence (NSE) is a merit and performance-based system of achievement, where progression within the programme is based on the capacity of cadets to collect merit and performance points in various areas of assessment to reach the four distinct levels of excellence.  More points are given for higher levels of achievement within specified training or levels of participation (be it local, regional, national or international levels).  

The NSE recognizes senior cadets that display superior involvement in Army Cadet activities and is the most comprehensive Army Cadet Challenge. 

Areas of assessments are a combination of compulsory and participation training and events including, but not limited to: leadership, citizenship, fitness and healthy living, community service and community leadership, general cadet knowledge, attendance at compulsory and advanced training, drill, dress, deportment, navigation, wilderness survival, instructional techniques, marksmanship, expeditions, Duke of Edinburgh Awards, music, and participation in optional training teams such as first aid or drill teams.

These three cadets displayed impressive level of commitment within the Army Cadet Programme at the Corps, regional, national and even at the international level.  C/CWO Whittla was one of 18 Canadian Army Cadets selected  for the International Maple Leaf Exchange in England in summer of 2013 where he trained with the British Army Cadet Corps at various locations in England; C/MWO Worth was one of 17 Army Cadets in Canada chosen to take part in the International Army Cadet Expedition to Argentina in January 2014; and C/MWO Cardinal was selected as part of the Pacific Region BC Honour Band two years in a row and in 2013 was recognized as the top Army Cadet Bandsman (brass and reed) in Canada.

The 2483 PPCLI RCACC’s Commanding Officer, Capt Madeleine Dahl, her Staff, the Corps Sponsoring Committee, along with all the Corps’ cadets would like to congratulate Cadets Whittla, Worth and Cardinal for their achievement.

Richard Asselin, 2483 PPCLI RC(Army) Cadet Corps

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