Throttle therapy: Naval life meets motorcycle passion at CFB Esquimalt’s Auto Club

Base Auto Club

Kateryna Bandura, 


In the demanding world of military service, finding time for personal passions can be challenging. At CFB Esquimalt, the Auto Club’s motorcycle division is offering a unique solution for sailors who love to ride, providing a haven where the joy of motorcycling can thrive despite the rigors of naval life.

“It’s hard to explain unless you ride,” says Master Sailor (MS) Dave Elmer, Boatswain in HMCS Ottawa. MS Elmer is the division’s lead and a sailor who transitioned from reservist to full-time service in 2018.

“Keeping the joy in riding often varied at times, especially toward the end of my professional time in the motorcycle industry. The club has given me a space to work on my bikes, which in turn allows me to ride them,” MS Elmer says.

This sentiment echoes the experiences of many service members who struggle to maintain their hobbies while balancing military duties. The Base Auto Club aims to address this challenge head-on, offering a fully-equipped workshop, complete with three hoists and tire machine. The bike side of the workshop is still in initial stages of becoming a fully equipped space for members to keep their rides in top condition.

“It’s a good ice breaker to meeting new people or members within the club,” MS Elmer says. “When a bike rolls in, and there’s other riders there, conversation usually starts.”

Beyond just maintenance, the division organizes regular group rides, fostering a sense of community among military bikers. These outings offer a much-needed respite from the stresses of service life and a chance to share the open road with like-minded individuals.

MS Elmer, drawing from over a decade of professional experience in motorcycle mechanics, understands the therapeutic value of working on and riding motorcycles.

“It’s pretty simple,” he says, “when I cross the brow and leave work, that’s where work stays.”

This separation of work and personal passion is crucial for many service members. The Auto Club provides a space where sailors can fully immerse themselves in their love for motorcycles, leaving the pressures of military life at the gate.

Plans are in motion to relocate and expand the container workshop, with the goal of creating a professional quality shop within the restraints of a sea can. This expansion promises even more opportunities for members to engage with their passion.

For those interested in joining, MS Elmer’s advice is straightforward: do it.

“Regardless of if you’re good with mechanics or not, there’s enough knowledge in the club to help you out,” he says.

The club is perfect for those living on the Base or in accommodations where working on vehicles isn’t feasible. MS Elmer says it offers the perfect opportunity to ‘keep the wheels in good condition at a steal of a deal given costs these days.’

Prospective members can stop by the club located at Work Point, behind 410 Macauley St., or contact:, or catch MS Elmer on his Aprilia RSV4 RR at the Dockyard bike parking.


The Base Auto Club offers a fully-equipped workshop, complete with three hoists and a tire machine. The bike side is still in initial stages of becoming a fully equipped space for members to keep their rides in top condition. Photo: MS Dave Elmer

The Base Auto Club offers a fully-equipped workshop, complete with three hoists and a tire machine. The bike side is still in initial stages of becoming a fully equipped space for members to keep their rides in top condition. Photo: MS Dave Elmer

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