Transforming the FMFs one datum at a time

LCdr Eric Bertrand
Executive Assistant to DGMPSS (Personnel)
Chief of Staff Operations

The Fleet Maintenance Facilities (FMF) have seen significant improvements in data analytics usage over the past three years.

One place where FMF sees success is with a custom automated timekeeping system that allows supervisors to receive weekly updates on productivity statistics for direct labour employees. The data from this program is used to measure overall efficiency rates, capacities, and the impact of large-scale events, such as pandemic responses.

Another development is the Human Resource Capacity Data Analytics (HRCDA) program, which uses timekeeping and Defence Resource Management Information System (DRMIS) data to assist management in identifying bottlenecks to inform hiring strategies, which was used for multiple resource increase requests that are needed to support the fleets.

‘Unmet demand’ has been established as a controlled, understood, reproducible, and regularly measured metric to assist in fleet scheduling decision-making and expectation management. Unmet demand is also used to model future fleet outcomes using traces of previous FMF performance metrics alongside growth rates and fleet scheduling data.

Much work was done to communicate the value and limitations of data analytics using FMF data to senior management and external decision-makers. The bulk of the analysis efforts were in data cleaning methods to find the numbers that produced the highest correlations with real-world outcomes, which were later presented to senior Royal Canadian Navy leadership.

These efforts have led to higher quality targeted information that could be used for decision-making, specifically in areas of FMF future capacity requirements to deal with escalating maintenance requirements. It also provides the ability to forecast average ship reliability to assist fleet schedulers in building operational plans.

The key to clean data is correctly inputting it into DRMIS and regularly applying corrections as mistakes are found through a continuous feedback cycle; therefore, everyone in the FMFs has a crucial role to play in helping to produce quality information with strategic effect. The effort for cleaner and more usable data analysis and modelling methods has improved. Yet, it still has the potential to be more accurate in support of future research and evolution.

All the best, Eric

Data analytics has transformed how we approach decision-making and strategy within the FMFs, by providing quality and reliable information about our organization and vessels.

Over the last few years, we have seen changes in how we approach, understand, and use data under the leadership and excellence of Lieutenant Commander (LCdr) Eric Bertrand and his team, consisting of one military and two civilian employees.

LCdr Bertrand has an in-depth understanding of industrial engineering methods, resulting from his participation in the FMF-sponsored post-graduate program at Dalhousie University. His contributions to the FMFs have been invaluable.

We wish Eric all the best in his next role in Ottawa as Executive Assistant to Director General Military Personnel Support Services (DGMPSS) Chief of Staff Operations.

Gabrielle Brunette, Communications Coordinator Student,
FMF Cape Scott

Filed Under: News Release


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