Victoria Royals show CF appreciation
By Lookout on Feb 11, 2013 with Comments 0
The Victoria Royals will be showing their support for the Canadian Forces at their Second Annual Canadian Forces Appreciation Night on Feb. 23.
The team will go head-to-head with the Kelowna Rockets in a night of fundraising, celebration, and fun at the Save-On Foods Memorial Arena.
Grant McNeil, Promotions Manager for the Royals, says CF Appreciation Night is a cause close to the hearts of the players and staff.
“Victoria is very clearly a naval city,” he says. “It’s important we show the public and community that we care and appreciate their service.”
The game will be like any other game in the Royals’ regular season but with a Canadian Forces twist.
The Royal Canadian Navy Naden Band will perform the national anthem, and the arena will be jam packed with displays and demonstrations by different CF units. Presentations include a weapons display from the Canadian Scottish Regiment, a Naval Reserve display from HMCS Malahat, and demonstrations of Explosive Ordnance Disposal equipment from the Fleet Diving Unit.
“There’s going to be a lot of things to see and do that people might not get to experience otherwise,” says McNeil. “There’s so much about the military that civilians don’t understand, so at the event they can get a closer look.”
The evening with also benefit various organizations with proceeds from the evening’s 50/50 draw and Chuck-a-Puck fundraisers going to the Military Family Resource Centre and Cadets Canada. Spectators are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items for the Mustard Seed Food Bank.
The Royals will wear limited edition CF Appreciation Night jerseys, which will feature a logo and crest inspired by the military.
“The game and the jerseys will be a great opportunity for the team to pay homage to the troops,” says McNeil. “We’re very proud to support the cause in any way we can.”
The jerseys will be worn only for the Feb. 23 game and then will be auctioned off in various events throughout the rest of the season. The money from the auctions will go to the MFRC, the Cadets, and the Mustard Seed Food Bank.
The financial support is just one small part of the night. To McNeil and the rest of the organization the night is about showing the troops they care.
“From the boys in the room to the managers at the top, this cause is important to all of us,” he says. “Regardless of where in the world the troops are or where they’re going they should know there are people at home who are thankful for everything they do.”
Tickets are $12 for both military and civilian CF members and can be reserved through the Royals Box Office at 250-220-7889. CF members must show their military ID when picking up their tickets.
Three hundred seventy five complimentary tickets have already been distributed to units, and $12 discounted tickets for Defence Team members can be reserved through the Royals Box Office at 250-220-7889. Members must show their DND ID when picking up tickets.
-Shawn O’Hara, Staff Writer
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