Anxiety and stress, conquer them naturally


Caroline Roy, Contributor ~

There’s no question, we’re amid a worldwide anxiety epidemic.

According to the World Health Organization, one in 13 people globally suffer from anxiety. In the U.S. alone, nearly 40 million people experience an anxiety disorder each year. Of those 40 million, approximately two-thirds are women and eight per cent are children and teenagers.

So, it comes as no surprise that many of those struggling with anxiety are looking for support and treatment—including how to reduce anxiety naturally. 

Everyone experiences stress and anxiety at some point in life, but for too many people it’s becoming the norm. Scary fact: stress and anxiety can be deadly if not addressed.

If you grapple with anxiety, you may be wondering: What’s the best way to manage my anxiety? Is medication the only option? Are there ways to naturally reduce anxiety? 

Fortunately, there’s an entire arsenal of ways you can manage and reduce stress and anxiety. You could also find the best CBD vapes if you want to feel a little better.

Today, I’ll dive into the multi-layered topic of anxiety, what your anxiety could be telling you, and arm you with some techniques and support options for the next time it rears its ugly head.

But first, let’s talk a bit about what anxiety is, and some of the ways anxiety manifests in the body. 

What is Anxiety?

In simple terms, anxiety is how your body reacts to stress, and it can present with both physical and psychological features.

The feeling of anxiety is thought to originate in the amygdala part of the brain that controls many intense emotional responses. 

Anxiety is your normal, built-in, biological mechanism to put your body on high alert and it prepares you to fight a perceived crisis. However, if it becomes chronic, anxiety can become detrimental and can damage both your mental and physical health. 

Furthermore, anxiety has been associated with several chronic diseases, such as heart disease, some gastrointestinal conditions, and chronic respiratory disorders. According to a Harvard Medical School article, for people with these conditions who also have untreated anxiety, the condition itself has shown to be more difficult to treat, physical symptoms tend to worsen, and in some cases, they die sooner. 

Common Stressors Linked to Anxiety

Anxiety triggers can, of course, be very individualized. Generally speaking, these are some of the most common stressors linked to anxiety:

  • Financial insecurity (common during COVID-19)
  • Deployment
  • Moving
  • Starting a new job or changing schools
  • College preparation
  • Job dissatisfaction – overwhelmed or misalignment
  • Toxic workplace relationships
  • Traumatic relationships
  • Having an injury or illness
  • Having a friend or family member injured or ill
  • The death of a family member or friend
  • Getting married or going through a divorce
  • Having a baby

For people suffering from an anxiety disorder, they may feel intense, persistent, excessive anxiety, worry, fear, or other upsetting emotions as a result of everyday situations, which results in frequent panic attacks. For these individuals, it is best to be evaluated by a professional to determine if medical treatment is needed.

How To Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can often be helped with a combination of natural remedies, including diet, exercise, rest, mindfulness, and self-care. Some natural remedies for anxiety are:

  • Exercising
  • Spending time outside
  • Gardening
  • Meditating
  • Practicing deep breathing
  • Aromatherapy
  • Massage, if possible
  • Getting enough sleep (between 7 to 9 hours)
  • Limiting alcohol and caffeine intake
  • Spending time planning and prioritizing
  • Journaling
  • Connecting with others virtually
  • Seeking the support of a Health Coach, therapist, or counselor

How a Health Coach Can Help With Tackling Anxiety

If you’ve been struggling with anxiety, a health coach can be a fantastic resource and support. They can suggest techniques, tools, and strategies that can ease anxiety specific to your goals and lifestyle, and can also work with you to identify what’s causing your anxiety in the first place.

Anxiety is a messenger. The chest pain, headaches, neck pain, and other symptoms we treat with medicine are all messengers. We need to figure out what message these messengers are trying to deliver.

Where to Seek Help For Your Anxiety

It’s important to note there are times when medication can be beneficial and necessary to manage anxiety. If you think you have an anxiety disorder, please seek a doctor’s opinion. If your anxiety is causing depressive symptoms, severe discomfort or pain, or threatens your life or those around you, these are all cases that warrant medical attention. In such instances, the medication should be used as first aid to stabilize the situation.

What if one call could change your life? Explore a free session with me. Send me a message to get the ball rolling –

Caroline Roy RN (Service en français disponible)
Certified Health & Lifestyle Coach
Cell: 613-823-1536

Filed Under: Top Stories

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