Car pooling – base introduces a great driving/parking incentive
By Lookout on Apr 30, 2012 with Comments 0
The road to better parking at CFB Esquimalt starts with the new car pooling program.
Effective May 1, Dockyard and Naden will each have 10 prime parking spots available for carpoolers who join the base program. The base will create more as needed.
Saving gas and time, and treading a bit lighter on the environment are all good reasons to fill your car seats says the Base Chief of Staff, Michael Morrison.
“We would like people to take advantage of an opportunity to reduce the number of cars on the road,” he says.
More than 40 per cent of the people that work in the Formation commute from the Colwood area, and right at the Colwood Pacific Activity Centre there are 150 unused parking spots.
“Imagine if people from the Western Communities meet there and drive to Dockyard in one car and take three other cars off the road. They alternate cars and drivers each day while the group of individuals share the parking pass,” says Morrison.
People can take turns driving; the carpool pass can be transferred between the vehicles in a registered carpool group.
Senior leadership is encouraging the program and asks that supervisors respect employees’ needs to leave on time as part of the carpool program.
“I think it’s a great idea because you reduce traffic and instead of sitting in traffic alone, you can get to know some co-workers better,” says Morrison.
Each car must have a minimum of three registered car poolers to qualify for the car pool designated parking area, which is located at the Naden Drill Shed and in “X Lot” beside the Commissionaire’s gate at the entrance to Dockyard.
“We have started with 20 new parking spots and we will scale up as needed,” says Morrison.
To find like-minded car poolers read the notices on OUR BASE and contact the individuals directly. To register your group, phone Christine Loder at 250-363-2218.
Full details about registration requirements are posted on the notice board.
Shelley Lipke
Staff Writer
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