Chaplain Support: Ways to BOOST Your Spiritual Health
By Lookout on Mar 03, 2025 with Comments 0
Captain Charles Offor, Padre
MARPAC Chaplain
Military service in the Canadian Armed Forces can be highly rewarding. The demands of military service can be challenging and there are steps to boost your spiritual health as a Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) member.
What is spiritual health? Spiritual health relates to the health and well-being of a person’s spirituality. Spiritual health recognizes our quest for deeper meaning and purpose in life. When we are spiritually healthy, we can feel more connected to a higher power and to those around us. This can help make our actions more consistent in our everyday choices. According to the spiritual health and well-being continuum, the benefits of having a spiritual life and being spiritually healthy are endless.
The following are some ways we can improve our Spiritual health:
Meditation is a practice many use to deepen their spiritual health connection, whether through a secular- or faith-based approach, meditating can give us a sense of greater self, which is a way of calming the mind and assisting us to disengage from the distractions of the external world. Meditation can enhance our ability to connect with our inner selves by creating space for reflection, and self-awareness. Meditating for 15-20 minutes a day can be a greater source of spiritual rejuvenation.
Connection to a higher power and other people
Practices like yoga or mindfulness can help enhance spiritual well-being by promoting mind/body harmony, flexibility, self-awareness, inner peace and a deeper connection to the universe.
Connecting with family and friends can be ideal for improving spiritual health and well-being. It can help to build a sense of belonging and self-worth, and give you an opportunity to share experiences. Isolation can make it difficult to maintain spiritual connections in a meaningful way. Strong interpersonal relationships can boost our spiritual health by feeling supported.
Inner Peace
We want to keep up with the demands of work at the workplace that we end up overworking, anxious, or burning out. Days filled with deadlines and too many activities leave little room for downtime and reflection. Spending time in nature or connecting with outdoors can provide a sense of peace and calmness. Disconnecting from your busy schedule and taking a walk for a few minutes outdoors can be therapeutic and provide a sense of peace and spiritual renewal.
Avoid Negative self-talk
Do not be hard on yourself. Learn from your mistakes and let go of them. Negative self-talk kills spiritual health. Focusing on things you are doing well and on your sense of direction. Reflect, re-energize and cultivate a sense of purpose or meaning. Recognizing small things you are doing well can boost your spiritual energy and help prioritize practices that keep you on track and reduce negativity.
Practise Gratitude
Cultivating a thankful attitude can improve your perspective and spiritual health. Practising gratitude and compassion by regularly checking the spiritual health and well-being continuum can direct our thoughts from negative to positive, increasing our self-esteem, helping us to relax and find meaning and purpose in life.
Keeping a Journal
Reflecting on your thoughts and experiences through writing can deepen your spiritual well-being. Past frustrations and future anxieties lose their hold on us in the present moment. Journaling can help us recognize habits and feelings we may be holding onto. Through journaling we can develop a sense of purpose which helps us to navigate challenging times and prepare ways to process emotions, increase of awareness, and release feelings.
Connect with a chaplain or someone you trust
Replace with: Physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being are inter-connected. The health of one can affect the health of another. This is why connecting with a Chaplain or someone you trust, is encouraged and can be spiritually rewarding. If you are struggling, reach out to a Chaplain. Chaplains are trained specialists in areas of spirituality. They can help with your feelings and guide you on your spiritual journey.
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