Defence Community Unites to Boost BC Blood Supply

Blood Services Canada

Archana Cini, 
Lookout Newspaper 


Blood: one of the only medical resources that cannot be manufactured – only donated.

On Mar. 3, the CFB Esquimalt Chief and Petty Officers’ Mess transformed into a bustling mobile blood donation site in partnership with Canadian Blood Services. The drive brought together military members, civilian employees, and volunteers in a collective effort to boost B.C.’s blood supply, which has dropped over 40 per cent in the past two decades.

The event saw strong turnout with returning and first-time donors alike rolling up their sleeves throughout the day to contribute to the needs of the local healthcare system. Several donors expressed their motivation for giving to be quite simple: the pure satisfaction of showing up for their community in the spaces it mattered. “It only takes about fifteen minutes, and the cookies and juice don’t hurt, either.” noted one returning military donor amongst shared smiles.

Kirk Stringer, supervisor at Canadian Blood Services, highlighted how B.C.’s constant need for blood can often be difficult to comprehend to those outside of the healthcare industry.

“One person could need ten units of blood from ten different donors in just twenty minutes,” he said. “That’s how fast units get utilized and why a consistent stream of donations like this is so vital.” Stringer also shared his appreciation towards the Defence community for showing up amidst a busy workday,  “After overcoming the challenges of organizing a mobile blood drive, it’s so heartwarming to see people step up and donate their healthy bodies with nothing to gain. It’s such a Canadian thing to do.”

The event’s conclusion saw donations surpassing the day’s target, with over 100 units collected. Book now to donate at

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