Family fun takes centre stage at 2024 Navy Run
By Lookout Production on Jul 02, 2024 with Comments 0

Lieutenant (Navy) Brian Grant along with his spouse Lieutenant Mireille Grant and their children Henry and Hector all competed in the 2024 Annual Navy Run. Photos: Sergeant Malcolm Byers, MARPAC Imaging Services.
Peter Mallett,
Staff Writer
The 18th edition of one of the most anticipated events on the CFB Esquimalt social calendar started on June 22 with the traditional starting blast of an army howitzer at the Naden Gates.
Runners of all ages and experience levels, and even entire families, had cause for celebration at the finish line of this year’s Navy Run. This year’s run included 5 and 10 km races and a Kids Fun Run on the track at the Naden Athletic Centre.
More than one military family from Esquimalt has made taking part in the Navy Run a long-standing family tradition. Among the 550 military and civilian participants was the family of Sub-Lieutenant (SLt) Jacob Russell of HMCS Venture.
“We have three generations here today because it is one of the best runs in Victoria for a family,” said SLt Russell. “It’s such a great family-friendly event to be involved in: there are no huge crowds and we get an excellent support from the race staff.”
SLt Russell finished the 5km course in 22nd place in a field of 161 runners, finishing with a time of 22:52. His wife, Sailor 1st Class (S1) Laura Russell of Base Logistics (BLOG), is also a regular participant in the Navy Run; she plans on returning to the race next year as she just delivered their daughter Zoë.
S1 Russell’s father, Major (ret’d) Robert Henry, walked the race with his three-year-old granddaughter Joni Russell, who participated in the Kids Fun Run earlier in the day. As his granddaughter refueled in her stroller with a bag of potato chips, Henry reflected on nearly two decades of family tradition at the Navy Run.
“I started doing the race years ago when I was working for MARPAC and Naval Fleet School, and then Jacob got involved and the family began doing the race together,” said Henry. “It’s become a real tradition for us.”
Henry’s son Jeffrey of the Naval Experience Program (NEP) also ran in the race.
Another participating family was of Lieutenant (Lt) Mireille Grant of Air Component Coordination Element (Pacific). She began participating in the Navy Run 15 years ago.
“The Navy Run brings us closer together,” she said. “It’s a change of pace and more fun than pastimes of dinner or a movie.”
Running with her in the 5km race was her husband Lt(N) Brian Grant, Operations Officer of HMCS Calgary, and their eight-year-old son Henry, while their four-year-old son Hector took advantage of the Kids Fun Run.
For most of the registered participants, their final time or placing in the races standings didn’t seem to matter too much; that was the case for Acting Sub-Lieutenant (A/SLt) Octavian Radulescu, a naval reservist from HMCS Montcalm in Quebec City temporarily posted to the Office of the Base Commander for the summer.
“I didn’t really know what to expect and feared I would spend most of the race out of breath and walking the course,” said A/SLt Radulescu. “I am really proud of myself because I managed to keep running the entire way and even during the uphill portions.”
A/SLt Radulescu ran in the 10 km race; the occasion marked the first time he has ever participated in an organized running event. He finished the course in 172nd place, in a field of 209 runners, with a time of 1:11:40.
“Everyone in the race was motivating and encouraging each other and I really liked that about the Navy Run,” he said. “I guess this is the start of something new for me and I am officially a runner now.”
The run raised over $3K for Soldier On, the non-profit charity of Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services (CFMWS).
The event also involved the assistance of over 60 staff from Personnel Support Programs (PSP) and other units at the Base, who helped staff, organize, promote and operate the event along with support from volunteers of the Navy Run Committee.
Sponsorship for this year’s Navy Run included Seaspan, Babcock, BMO and Bell Media while Saje Wellness provided the race winner’s prize packages. Support was also provided by McDonalds Canada and the BC Lions.
For a list of full results visit
10 km
1. Devonte Scarlette 34:55;
2. Joshua Koromei 35:09;
3. Dan Wall 36:44.
1. Richel Guarte 44:45;
2. Cara Macrae 46:13;
3. Leah Conrad 48:37.
5 km
1. CPO2 Jonathon Gendron 16:04;
2. Lt(N) Rodney Newcombe 17:43;
3. Lt(N) Alexander Castagna, 18:58.
1. Kate Guy 19:01;
2. Isla Ross 20:22;
3. Jamie Wigmore 20:26.
Small Unit: Fleet Diving Unit (Pacific)
Medium Unit: Canadian Submarine Force
Filed Under: News Release • Top Stories
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