Firefighters ready for pet emergencies


Peter Mallett
Staff Writer

CFB Esquimalt firefighters can now resuscitate pets.

Fire and Rescue Services have acquired oxygen masks specifically designed to fit the muzzle and snout of dogs, cats, and other pets. Three fire trucks are equipped with the new lifesaving masks. 

“If we attend a structural fire at a residential military housing unit and there is an unconscious pet, this tool gives us the ability to give the animal oxygen,” says Geordie Douglas, CFB Esquimalt Fire Services Fire Chief. “Thankfully, we have yet to come across a situation like this in recent years, but these masks give us another tool in our toolbox to respond to emergencies.”

The cone-shaped mask has a rubber seal to fit snuggly around the snout and once the pet’s jaw is closed, oxygen is delivered through the nostrils.

Firefighter’s underwent training provided by the manufacturer and tested the mask on Rex, a Doberman owned by Alex Marshall, a firefighter.

Additional masks will be bought and sent to the fire stations at Rocky Point Ammunition Depot and Nanoose Bay Base Fire services.


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