HMCS Harry DeWolf completes maiden voyage through the Northwest Passage

HMCS Harry DeWolf  traverses under the Lions Gate Bridge in Vancouver, British Columbia for the first time. Photo by MCpl Nathan Spence, MARPAC Imaging Services

HMCS Harry DeWolf traverses under the Lions Gate Bridge in Vancouver, British Columbia for the first time. Photo by MCpl Nathan Spence, MARPAC Imaging Services

SLt Wilson Ho
UPAR – HMCS Vancouver

On the first weekend of October 2021, HMCS Harry DeWolf successfully completed the historic Northwest Passage voyage from Halifax to Vancouver. Early Friday morning, the ship arrived at the Burrard Dry Dock Pier, at the Lonsdale waterfront in North Vancouver. It was a momentous occasion, as it had been over 50 years since a Royal Canadian Navy vessel had completed the Northwest Passage route. HMCS Harry DeWolf is the first ship of its class, which is also named the Harry DeWolf class, and is primarily designed to patrol and support Canada’s arctic regions.

On Sunday morning, HMCS Harry DeWolf departed North Vancouver and sailed through the Straits of Georgia, passing through Haro Strait and Boundary Pass to arrive at Ogden Point, in Victoria late in the afternoon. A large crowd lined Ogden Point, cheering and waving as the ship arrived at its berth. On Monday morning, HMCS Harry DeWolf departed Victoria and made its maiden entrance into CFB Esquimalt. After the long journey, the ship will be in a short work period and personnel will get a chance to get some rest and relaxation. Following the rest period, HMCS Harry DeWolf will continue its maiden journey by transiting through the Panama Canal and is expected to arrive in Halifax in December.


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