Installation of breakwater begins in Esquimalt Harbour
By Lookout on Jan 29, 2017 with Comments 0

Once fully installed, the wave attenuating breakwater will rest 14 feet below the waterline with just 18 inches visible above the surface. Photos by Peter Mallett, Lookout
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer ~
In an effort to provide wave protection for smaller Royal Canadian Navy vessels, a floating breakwater is being installed on the Colwood side of Esquimalt Harbour.
The setup of the 400-foot long, 30-foot wide breakwater, overseen by the Port Operations and Emergency Services Branch (POESB), began Jan. 4. The breakwater will be deployed to the east of D Jetty and provide a buffer for navy and Auxiliary Fleet vessels from large, wind-driven waves and swells that are common on the harbour’s west side.
The Colwood side of the harbour will also provide a temporary home for the fleet’s smaller vessels to make room for the $781-million A/B Jetty Recapitalization Project, which is expected to enter the construction phase this spring. The massive construction project will replace the two 70-year-old jetties, and include dredging to remove contaminated seabed sediments throughout Esquimalt Harbour.
POESB Manager Doug Kimmett says the installation of the breakwater was the best solution to make the west side of the harbour a suitable interim port.
“Taking note of the various options and time constraints involving the Recapitalization Project, we felt something that was portable, built off site, and deployed by base personnel would be the fastest method to build some sheltered berths,” he explains.
The foam-filled concrete structure, which includes multiple ballast tanks, was designed by marine construction company Blue Water Systems Ltd., of Delta, B.C. and was delivered to Esquimalt via tugboat in early December 2016.
Personnel from POESB, Fleet Diving Unit (Pacific), and a team of riggers from Fleet Maintenance Facility have been attaching the four pieces of the breakwater together prior to its deployment, with the assistance of the Auxiliary Fleet’s steam-powered crane barge YD250.
Still to complete are attaching the breakwater’s moorings, which consist of 26 concrete anchors and chains that will be lowered by YD250 to the seabed floor.
The breakwater will rest approximately 14 feet below the waterline and just 18 inches above the surface, and is expected to be fully operational by mid-February.
Prior to its installation, the Queen’s Harbour Master reviewed any possible navigation impacts the structure might have on harbour traffic, while an environmental impact assessment of the construction and deployment was also reviewed and approved.
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