MARPAC Image tech’s work honoured
By Lookout on Dec 07, 2015 with Comments 0

MCpl Michael Bastien was honoured Nov. 25 for his outstanding photography with the Military Photographers Achievement Award, part of the Canadian Armed Forces Photo Contest. Pictured here: BGen Marc Theriault; BMO representative, Rick Campagna; MCpl Bastien; and Vice Chief of the Defence Staff, LGen Guy Thibault, at the Canadian War Museum.
DND – Bravo Zulu to Master Corporal Michael Bastien, who goes above and beyond as an Imagery Technician at Maritime Forces Pacific.
Thanks to his outstanding imagery and dedication to his trade, MCpl Bastien has won the inaugural Military Photographers Achievement Award in the Canadian Armed Forces Photo Contest.
This new award recognizes the technical quality of an individual photographer or videographer’s work, and highlights the personal qualities – the hard work and dedication behind the scenes that go into consistently producing evocative imagery for the CAF.
MCpl Bastien is seasoned in the art of acquiring and using still and motion imagery to support operational planning, public affairs, and countless other requirements during crises, contingencies and exercises.
He has deployed on operations several times as an image tech, including on Operation Reassurance in 2014 on board HMCS Regina. He used his time at sea to compose some amazing operational shots, a number of which won awards – both at previous CAF Photo Contests and in the 2015 Canadian Community Newspaper Awards.
His skill and artistry in telling a story through the camera lens has led to his images regularly appearing in newspapers across the country.
Called a natural leader by his unit, MCpl Bastien consistently takes the opportunity to mentor and coach less experienced colleagues about new equipment and techniques, while continuing to work on his own professional development.
Thanks to his extensive experience and talent at capturing the commitment of the men and women who serve Canada, he’s proven to be an effective ambassador for Canada’s military.
The list of winners can be found through <<this link>>
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