More than half a million raised

GCWCC Cheque Presentation

Capt(N) Luc Cassivi, Vicki Laidlaw, Honorary Capt(N) Cedric Steele, and RAdm Bill Truelove present Interim CEO of United Way Greater Victoria, Heather Gardiner, and Health Partners Campaign Manager, Ellen Louie with a cheque for $555,000 during the closing ceremonies for the Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign held at the Naden Drill Shed at CFB Esquimalt on Dec. 16.

Members of the Defence Team gathered at CFB Esquimalt last Monday evening to mark the conclusion of their annual Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign (GCWCC) during the official opening of the Navy Holiday Village at the Naden Drill Shed.

Capt(N) Luc Cassivi, Base Commander, presented a big cheque during the opening of the Holiday Village in the amount of $555,000 to Heather Gardiner of the United Way of Greater Victoria and Ellen Louie of Healthpartners.

The figure was followed by a “plus sign” to indicate further unit contributions continuing to arrive.

“Our organizers and volunteers did a fantastic job throughout this year’s campaign. There was great unit participation across the Formation and a lot of excitement generated throughout,” said Capt(N) Cassivi. “I am also very pleased to see so many members of the community here for the cheque presentation and to connect with their navy at our Navy Holiday Village.”   

The local Defence Team, comprised of Canadian Forces members and civilian employees working at more than 100 Department of National Defence (DND) units within the Greater Victoria Area, has been a leading contributor to the United Way of Greater Victoria. These contributions are the result of countless hours worked by volunteers who each year make the campaign a success.

The United Way of Greater Victoria will distribute the local Defence Team’s donations to the registered Canadian charities.

The campaign began Sept. 19, raising contributions through a variety of innovative activities including an exhibition hockey match with the Victoria Royals.

Nationally, the GCWCC is the largest and most successful workplace fundraising campaign in Canada, raising more than $38 million last year in support of United Way, Healthpartners and thousands of other registered Canadian charities.

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