
The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) and the team at Project Resolve and Chantier Davie Canada Inc. are looking for naval and air force input into the conversion of the German container ship MV Asterix, which will provide interim at-sea support services to meet the RCN’s operational requirement for at-sea replenishment.

An online survey has been created for sailors and air crew to choose the amenities that would best suit them when away on deployment and make any other suggestions they think would help the ship achieve its mission.

“This has never been done in any navy in the world,” says Spencer Fraser, chief executive officer of Project Resolve Inc.

“We want our sailors and air crew members to have input on designing their ship. These are young Canadians, why shouldn’t they have the right stuff to do the job?”

To date, over 150 people have answered the 25-question survey that explores safety, comfort and productivity.

Fraser says they are “listening very carefully and closely” to the all the feedback from Canadian Armed Forces members.

The survey concludes at the end of November, so Fraser urges CAF members to get online and have a voice in the ship conversion process.

Asterix has been delivered to Levis, Quebec, where Davie Shipbuilding will do the conversion.

Pending the finalization of the agreement with the government, the converted vessel will be delivered to the navy for service in the summer of 2017.

Fraser is very familiar with life aboard a ship.

He retired as a Lieutenant Commander in 2003 and during his career spent extended time on multiple ships. He says it is the “little things” that can be a big deal and impact both morale and productivity.

The survey can be accessed at

In the meantime, work continues to build two Queenston-Class Joint Support Ship (JSS) to be delivered to the navy in 2020.


Peter Mallett
Staff Writer