Navy trialing new dress uniform

Courtesy Maple Leaf ~

Did you know the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) is getting a new operational dress uniform?

The current uniform, known as the Naval Combat Dress (NCD), was developed in the early 2000s. It is a three-piece uniform made up of a heavyweight jacket with liner, trousers, and a lightweight shirt. After almost two decades of use, the navy is working to see how it can make improvements.

The Department of National Defence and the RCN are trialing a two-piece uniform consisting of a long-sleeved shirt and pants.

This new uniform, known as the Naval Enhanced Combat Uniform (NECU), will replace the current operational dress. It will increase comfort and function in all operational environments. The current shirt and jacket will be replaced with the heavier NECU shirt, which will fit better, has minimized bulk in the pockets, and improved functionality with current and future layers such as the Naval Wind and Rain ensemble. The trousers will have a modern cut and fit.

Approximately 400 naval members are wearing the new dress as part of the trial. Their views and opinions will be factored into the final decision.

Surveys were conducted on the current uniform to identify issues and deficiencies, including a gender-based analysis, which were factored into the new clothing design.

Sailors can expect to receive a new uniform starting winter 2021 as a replacement for worn items of the current NCD. Everyone should be completely outfitted over three years.