NDWCC exceeds fundraising target and expectations
By Lookout Production on Feb 12, 2024 with Comments 0

Members of the Defence team gather on the front lawn of the Base Commander’s Office on Feb. 6 to present a cheque for $109,404.11 to representatives of the United Way of Southern Vancouver Island and Health Partners for monies raised during the National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign (NDWCC).
(Left) Brad Klein, UNDE 21016 Local President; Marcelo Lazaro, Co-Chair of the NDWCC Campaign and Regional VP for BC UNDE and Labour Co-Champion; A/SLt Lyne Bonhomme, NDWCC Deputy Team Leader; Captain (Navy) Kevin Whiteside, Base Commander, CFB Esquimalt and United Way Southern Vancouver Island Board Member; Matt Carlson, Base Public Affairs and NDWCC Team Lead; Erika Stenson, Executive Director, United Way Southern Vancouver Island; Barbara Toller, HealthPartners Volunteer and former, Board Member; Mark Crocker, Director, Corporate Giving and Partnerships, United Way Southern Vancouver Island. Photo: Peter Mallett/Lookout.
Peter Mallett,
Staff Writer
Members of CFB Esquimalt’s NDWCC fundraising team gathered on the front lawn of the Base Commander’s Office on the afternoon of Feb. 6 to present a cheque for $109,404.11 to representatives of the United Way Southern Vancouver Island and HealthPartners. Captain (Navy) Kevin Whiteside, CFB Esquimalt Base Commander, shared in the excitement while formally presenting the donation, acknowledging the challenges this year’s campaign faced.
“Some of those obstacles working against the campaign included an ongoing housing and financial crisis, and the Canadian military’s ongoing personnel shortage which led organizers to set a modest campaign target of $80,000 when fundraising efforts commenced in September,” said Capt(N) Whiteside. “I am so very proud that we blew that $80,000 out of the water, which is really just amazing.”
Capt(N) Whiteside is also a member of the Board of Directors for the United Way Southern Vancouver Island.
Matthew Carlson, NDWCC Team Leader at CFB Esquimalt, said this year’s campaign had many highlights including the kickoff pancake breakfast, Bring Your Dog to Work Days, pet portraits, unit BBQs, movie matinees, bake sales, silent auctions and many other creative and successful initiatives.
There to accept the donation was Barbara Toller, a gracious HealthPartners volunteer and former Board of Directors member, joined by Erika Stenson, Director at United Way of Vancouver Island. Both say the 17 health charities the organization represents are truly delighted with the supportive and admirable attitude of Esquimalt’s military community.
“We are so proud the Base and military members continue to support the NDWCC with that money flowing into charitable organizations here in Victoria and across the country,” Stenson told Capt(N) Whiteside. “Your team does so much for Canadians already, but this fundraising effort shows their true commitment to the people they support, and we are so happy to partner with you every year.”

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