New online forum launched

As Blueprint 2020 Champion and Assistant Deputy Minister (Public Affairs) Edison Stewart put it in his recent blog on enhancing our ability to communicate, “talking is a wonderful thing.”

He says before we can make fundamental changes to how we do things, whether here at Defence or government-wide we need to communicate better, share ideas more often, and listen to what each other has to say.

As the largest organization in government, with some 130,000 people in locations throughout the world, sharing ideas isn’t always easy. But just because it may be difficult does not mean it shouldn’t be done.

Online forum launched
To help share ideas, a new online forum has just been launched to encourage dialogue and knowledge-sharing, and foster an innovative and collaborative spirit across the Defence Team. Called Defence Connex, the space is located on the government-wide GCconnex platform and uses online tools familiar to many, including discussion groups, polls and blogs. To participate, all you need is a “…” email address.

Defence Connex is designed to get your input on two distinct engagement initiatives currently underway at Defence: Blueprint 2020 and Defence Renewal.

Blueprint 2020 is a pan-government, Public Service-specific initiative that is examining how to fundamentally transform the Public Service and is limited to public servants. At the same time, the Defence Renewal initiative is examining the way we work in order to be more efficient and effective, engaging both public servants and Canadian Armed Forces members to find opportunities to reinvest in ourselves.

Although distinct, these initiatives do share one very important theme – a focus on personnel engagement to collect your insight to forge a clear path forward.
A one-stop collaboration shop
Defence Connex is truly a one-stop-shop for you to connect and collaborate with your colleagues from across Defence, no matter your rank, classification, which organization you serve, whether you are military or civilian, or the distances involved. Senior leaders here at Defence are interested in your thoughts, and your participation on Defence Connex will help shape the Blueprint 2020 report that will be presented to the Clerk of the Privy Council later this fall and future Defence Renewal initiatives.

Joining is easy!
•    First, create an account on GCconnex, the government-wide networking platform that houses our Defence Connex space
•    Second, join the Defence Connex group
•    Finally, visit the Group Blog and Group discussion to weigh in

If you need more help, visit the Defence Team intranet for step-by-step instructions to get started.

So, sign up today, browse the interactive tools available on the platform, read and comment on Mr. Stewart’s blog, and share your ideas on the discussion boards. Feel free to begin your own discussion threads – the goal is to spark conversation from coast to coast to coast.

-Maple Leaf

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