Positive parenting models at the heart of MFRC program

Military parents seeking support and guidance for dealing with emotional and behavioural challenges with their children can turn to the Military Family Resource Centre’s Triple P Positive Parenting Program.

Military parents seeking support and guidance for dealing with emotional and behavioural challenges with their children can turn to the Military Family Resource Centre’s Triple P Positive Parenting Program.

Rachel Lallouz, Staff Writer ~

Military parents seeking support and guidance for dealing with emotional and behavioural challenges with their children can turn to the Military Family Resource Centre’s Triple P Positive Parenting Program.

The Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC) offers a Triple P suite of services that provides military families with opportunities to engage in conversations regarding the unique challenges of raising children within the military lifestyle.   

“This program is based on creating strong, nurturing relationships and positive communication between children and parents,” says Pauline Sibbald, MFRC social worker.

Triple P is an evidenced-based program that incorporates five core principles: promoting a positive learning environment, ensuring a safe and engaging environment, providing effective discipline, maintaining reasonable expectations for both parent and child, and taking care of oneself as a parent.

The Triple P program has five intervention levels and parents determine for themselves how much help they require.  

“This multi-level parenting and family support strategy allows the program to be tailored to meet individual family needs,” says Sibbald.  

Parents may choose to attend one-on-one sessions with a Triple P practitioner, register for interactive seminars or participate in a group course.

“Because the system is flexible, it’s adaptable and responsive to lifestyle needs and challenges. A parent might just be feeling overwhelmed or frustrated with a situation and may want some parenting tips, or may be dealing with ongoing behavioural challenges,” says Sibbald.  

Family Transitions is a new parenting program for separated/divorced parents who are experiencing challenges that are impacting or complicating their parenting.  It takes time to build a new family identity and work through feelings related to the end of a relationship.

“You may be concerned about frequent arguments with your ex or new partner, concerned about finances and worried about your child being caught in the middle and the impact this may have on your child’s behaviour or emotions,” says Sibbald.  “Divorce is a major life transition for parents and children.  Family Transitions can help individuals enhance their problem-solving skills to begin to manage and resolve conflict and improve their ability to cope with strong emotions, stress and change.

“There are unique stressors to parenting in the military lifestyle including relocation, frequent deployment, and work-related separations that we want to provide family support and resources for,” says Sibbald.  

For more information, or to sign up for any of the Triple P programs, please contact MFRC at 250-363-2640.

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