SISIP online financial workshops

Early to Mid Career

Financial Foundations, Monday, February 10 @ 1030 

Financial Planning 101 Starting to invest early to prepare for the future. Understanding different investment accounts, investment products, etc., and how to use them efficiently based on your goals

Tax-efficient Investing How to put more money in your pocket. How to plan to retire from the military comfortably

Financial Counselling Learning to budget, understanding your paycheque, paying down debt, building emergency fund and financial literary. Access to financial assistance through Support Our Troops.

Life Insurance Learn why life insurance is important and the types of insurance SISIP offers.  How do life changes such as marriage, divorce and kids affect your needs for insurance and what changes do you need to make when these things happen.

Microsoft Teams Meeting
Meeting ID: 264 784 934 327
Passcode: gk3dV2b2


Mid to Late Career

Late Career-Paving the Road for Release and/or Retirement, Tuesday, February 11 @ 1030

Financial Planning How your CAF pension, government pensions and investments come together to build your retirement picture.

Financial Counselling Improving to budget, paying down debt, how to plan for major purchases and how to adjust budget for life changes. How to ensure you are on track to retire debt-free.

Life insurance and Legacy Creation  How does releasing from the CAF effect your needs for life insurance.  What types of insurance does SISIP offer to CAF veterans and what needs to be done with your existing SISIP policies when you release. Learn how to minimize tax with proper life insurance structure.

Microsoft Teams Meeting
Meeting ID: 261 986 719 159
Passcode: ug27C2QZ

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