Stronger Together – CFB Esquimalt NDWCC
By Lookout Production on Mar 13, 2023 with Comments 0

Maritime Forces Pacific and CFB Esquimalt’s 2023 National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign wrapped up in March with the presentation of a cheque for $119,028 to the United Way of Southern Vancouver Island and HealthPartners. Pictured here: Sub-Lieutenant Jake Loftus, NDWCC Treasurer ; Matt Carlson, CFB Esquimalt NDWCC Team Leader; Acting Sub-Lieutenant Ryan Henderson, NDWCC Administrative Assistant; Brad Klein, NDWCC Labour Co-chair; Captain (Navy) J. Jeffery Hutchinson, CFB Esquimalt NDWCC 2022-2023 Champion; Erika Stenson, UWSVI Executive Director; Barbara Toller, HealthPartners Director ; Darcy Lindberg, UWSVI Labour Co-ordinator; Laura Pashkewych, UWSVI Director, Donor Relations and Partnerships.
CFB Esquimalt Base Public Affairs — CFB Esquimalt’s 2023 National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign (NDWCC) wrapped up last week with $119,028 raised for charities across the Greater Victoria Area and beyond, as well as a slew of nomination nods courtesy of the United Way of Southern Vancouver Island (UWSVI).
UWSVI named the Base in three categories of its annual Spirit Awards – Culture of Giving, Outstanding Campaign Co-ordinator / Committee (over 100 Employees), and Resilience Award. Matt Carlson, CFB Esquimalt NDWCC Team Leader, said the Base’s recognition reflects the generosity and commitment to meaningful giving that runs throughout the MARPAC Defence Team.
“I cannot express my gratitude to all the volunteers and our NDWCC Core Team here at CFB Esquimalt who made this campaign such a success,” Carlson said. “They did absolutely amazingly. The Base Commander and Chief Petty Officer First Class Stan Budden, who literally went above and below for a good cause and were thrown into the harbour for the Hutchinson Heave.”
The money raised from this year’s NDWCC will go toward the UWSVI and HealthPartners, who support a gamut of local programs, ranging from sexual assault crisis counselling to help for those coping with diabetes.
“When a member of the Defence Team donates to the NDWCC, that money helps a neighbour, a colleague, their community, right here in the Greater Victoria Area,” Carlson said. “Our slogan this past year for NDWCC was ‘Stronger Together’, which completely aligns with our Base Motto of ‘Support for All’. We are stronger together by supporting all who surround us within our community.”
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