All Entries Tagged With: "CFB Esquimalt"

Chaplain Support: Ways to BOOST Your Spiritual Health
Captain Charles Offor, Padre MARPAC Chaplain — Military service in the Canadian Armed Forces can be highly rewarding. The demands of military service can be challenging and there are steps to boost your spiritual health as a Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) member. What is spiritual health? Spiritual health relates to the health and well-being of a […]

NDWCC Donation Exceeds $130,000
Archana Cini Lookout Newspaper — The Defence Team of Canadian Forces Base (CFB)Esquimalt presented a cheque for $137,165.53 to members of the United Way of B.C. and HealthPartners last Tuesday to conclude the 2024 National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign. A heartwarming occasion of community spirit, the cheque presentation demonstrated […]

MARPAC Health & Wellness Expo
Join us on March 6th from 10am to 2pm at the Naden Athletic Centre for our annual MARPAC Health & Wellness Expo! With over 40 vendor booths, a free BBQ lunch, giveaways, wellness demos, and more, this is an event you do not want to miss!