RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Princess Anne"

Jackie Carlé, Esquimalt Military Family and Resource Centre (EMFRC) Executive Director, introduced Her Royal Highness (HRH), Princess Anne, to the EMFRC staff, Board of Directors and families during HRH’s visit to Victoria in May. Photo supplied

A Royal Encounter

Kate Bandura, Lookout Editor — As I stood in the presence of Her Royal Highness, I couldn’t help but be flooded with memories of the first time I met her a decade ago. It was a crisp Remembrance Day morning when I had the privilege of escorting Princess Anne to the National War Memorial in Ottawa […]

Her Royal Highness tours the grounds of God’s Acre Military Cemetery in Esquimalt with Commodore David Mazur (right), Commander Canadian Fleet Pacific, and a member of Veteran Affairs Canada. Photo: Corporal Jay Naples.

HRH visit to Victoria

A/SLt Christopher Hofing, MARPAC Public Affairs  —  King Charles’ sister Princess Anne visited Vancouver Island as part of her 23rd working visit to Canada. Princess Anne has had a long-vested interest in Canada, and the Canadian Armed Forces. She is the Commodore-in-Chief of the Canadian Fleet Pacific, Colonel-in-Chief of the 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise’s), Royal […]

Members of the Royal Canadian Navy demonstrate various ship duties and activities to the general public, allowing them to experience the day-to-day life of a ships crew during Vancouver Fleet Weekend activities at Burrard Dry Dock in Vancouver. Photo: Master Corporal Nathan Spence, Maritime Forces Pacific Imaging Services.

May wrap-up of Pacific Fleet events

A/SLt Alexandre Khoury, MARPAC PA  —  The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) recently held its traditional Battle of the Atlantic (BOA) and Fleet Weekend in North Vancouver. A gathering of ships, sailors and other members of Canada’s Navy welcomed thousands of people on the Burrard Dry Dock Pier from May 3rd to May 5th.  This year, Her Royal […]