The MARPAC Health and Wellness Team awarded The Commander RCN Unit Commendation Award
By Lookout Production on Apr 29, 2023 with Comments 0

Rear-Admiral Christopher Robinson, Commander MARPAC/JTF(P), presents the Commander Royal Canadian Navy Unit Commendation to Maryse Neilson, Health Promotion Manager and member of the MARPAC Health and Wellness Strategy.
The award, presented April 11, stated:
“Since its creation in 2012, the Maritime Forces Pacific Health and Wellness Team has served the Formation and led Royal Canadian Navy initiatives over the past decade. This robust team of 90 personnel have prioritized five key areas: active living, addiction-free living, healthy nutrition, organizational wellness, and mental and social wellness. Many of these Formation initiatives have been adopted throughout the Navy and Canadian Armed Forces, including top fuel menus for Fleet Diving Unit (Pacific), the Healthy Nutrition Environment Policy, and the creation of the cannabis policy posters. Their promotion of health, wellness, and positive space awareness programs on behalf of the Maritime Forces Pacific Defence Community have made enormous contributions to the overall physical and mental well-being of Royal Canadian Navy personnel.”
Signed by CRCN,
Vice-Admiral Angus Topshee
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